All concerts start at 7-30pm in the Central Hall at the Darlington Dolphin Centre (DL1 5RP)
For 2024/25 a Season Ticket is priced at £75. Single tickets are £19.
NEW: we're now offering a joint ticket with Richmondshire Concerts — both season tickets for £108!
Under the age of 26? Your ticket is FREE (thanks to the Cavatina Trust)
These concert programmes are not finalised and may be subject to change.
Mozart Sonata in B flat, K.378
Schubert Fantasie in C major,
Prokofiev 5 pieces from Cinderella
Stravinsky Divertimento from "A Fairy's Kiss"
Haydn Op 76 No 4
Smetana String Quartet No 1 'From my Life'
Beethoven Op 131